Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Being 30 in 2020

MAN what is this life about anyway?

All numbers and logically outlets and problems to solve by the mind that keeps creating the same problems because it loves to do figure things out, and yet when there is no actual problem, we suffer anyway.

This is the state of being 30 in 2020.

And total shambles of any true identity. A fake news consumerist world that's based on superficiality and imagery above humility and continues to exploit, manipulate and kill for money and power.

This is the state of the world in 2020.

Yet life is lovely, and we all love its pleasures like the taste of fruit, and, of course, that I can so easily and plentifully enjoy it. And having friends and doing kind deeds, the little points in little moments in life also lead to joy. (I really like the satisfaction that one gets from ironing their clothes)

And in this state of mind. We try to do goods, be authentic and listen to others. We try to better ourselves, not for the wealth it brings, but for our health and happiness. We have to ask ourselves what must we do to better ourselves, and think of the reason why we shouldn't.

Like with our environments, getting trashed and spat on, used and abused. It's not fair for the animals and other living things that we destroy their homes to satisfy what? Consumerism or just a better lifestyle and the advances that our parents had, and our grandparents, those who lived through war and far greater hardship.

Physical hardship. But mental hardship, maybe not? With all this information at our shoulder, it seems like our minds are becoming filled with trash too.

The biggest challenge is actually feeling guilty and acting on that guilt. I did it for a long time. I felt like I was taking a burden on the planet every time I used clearly unnecessary plastic. I'm a firm believe that I'm more conscientious than most, my father also showing frustration at the situation. I remember him getting extra annoyed at people who threw trash out of the window, or when a product they bought came absolutely unnecessary amounts of packaging.

And maybe I was taking it too far, and being too hard on myself. Now I feel calmer by accepting the situation. I even argued to myself that the fact that the product can sit in one place for 3 months may actually falsify the idea of single use plastic being used for 30 seconds by the consumer from time to finish.

It's tremendously hard work to make a difference in the world. The killer stress, the uphill struggle, and the hell of others who are ignorant and bigoted. It's tough work and it's not been easy, and it's not going to be easy, but we have to do something small now, to make a big difference in the future.

Being 30 means making a difference. An uncle in Lebanon gave me a hint. You've got 20 years to make it sonny. I love how there will always be someone older or younger than you - that awesome polorisation that extends a generation apart. I guess why that's why it's called being middle-aged. And, if I'm going into a new age, I've never felt better about what the future can hold for me personally.

The state The big 50 in 2040.

I see all sorts of terrible things happening before 2040 on the news. I have no doubt bad news will still be the most important news. I hope there is no more war, and people continue to become more educated, cooperative and peaceful, but if there is, people will profiteer. What I know is, I will have greater skills' wealth, more knowledge on life, fulfillment and happiness. I'll even be healthier than I did in my 20s as a smoker, drinker and drug user. I'll essentially be living life fuller every day with death always inevitable around the corner, yet with a greater sense of urgency that time, although plentiful is still, of course, finite.

And that's why I write this, because who knows - maybe my grandson will read this one day, curious to know what comes before. I keep getting surprised to find this blog still up and running. It might be quite hard to find or emulate because of the ancient V1 internet, so I will congratulate you now if you do.

And that's it, my thoughts for evening, so I will keep an eye on the present to hit the big goal in the future. Nobody has ever had it easy, you'll never be alone in that. We're all inter-connected and inter-dependent but you have to decide your own fate. The small steps you make will have a deciding effect on the world. It you've really got something really important to say now you can do and should do that.

If by the way you want to talk about mental health or let me know what's going on your life, then I'd be happy to discuss ways I help get myself through it.

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